• Adisp / About us


Adisp (National Archive of Data from Official Statistics) which was, since its creation, a data service in the Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CMH) is, since september 2017, attached to Progedo, within Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion department (ex Réseau Quetelet). At european level, Adisp participates in CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives).


Our mission is to disseminate studies and databases produced by Official Statistics to the whole scientific community (researchers and students), in order to foster the use of statistical data in social sciences. Over the last 25 years, Adisp has therefore been building an important catalogue of national surveys and databases. We keep on maintaining and expanding it thanks to agreements signed with INSEE, statistical departments of ministries and other public institutions, Adisp makes this catalogue available to the whole scientific community in France and abroad, and may also provide technical advice on the use of the databases.

The datafiles made available by Adisp follow a set of dissemination rules that depends on their content or on constraints imposed by the regulations in force and the different producers. There is therefore a clear distinction between "Standard Files" and "Production and Research" files (FPR).
To access the "FPR" files, users must be authorized by the (french) Statistical Secret Committee.

For more information about access condtions...

Adisp catalogue

The Adisp catalogue is made up of surveys and databases in 10 major themes:

The catalogue now encompasses occasional or regular studies, census data, panel data, extracts from administrative files, localized data (made available through an accurate territory grid), data representative of results at a national level and recent or historical data. It keeps on expanding on a regular basis thanks to the acquisition of new surveys as well as the finding and restoration of old surveys.

Thanks to Adisp, the scientific community can also have free access to different bespoke products:

The team

Under the scientific responsibility of Progedo, the team collect, manage, document and disseminate the data:

  • Lorraine Adam
  • Alena Lapatniova
  • Ami Saji
  • Anna Sidorets (Life Obs project)
  • Erik Zolotoukhine (head of the service)

Adisp communications