- Documentation on Adisp website
- Documentation of variables on Nesstar-Adisp server
- Search in questions and variables in the Question bank
For each survey or database, you will find on the Adisp website a descriptive package that includes:
- a detailed description of the data (abstract, producer, geographic coverage, type of data...)
- methodological information (sampling procedure, mode of data Collection, weighting...)
- documentation available online (questionnaire, codebook, nomenclature...)
The Nesstar (Networked Social Science Tools And Resources) software is meant to allow online publication of and access to survey data and their documentation. Data description and metadata coding are carried out according to the DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) international norm. This norm is an international standard for describing and coding XML-based survey metadata. It ensures content homogeneity, facilitates data portability and guarantees the preservation of the documentation. Most European and North American archive centers have now adopted DDI.
In 2010, Adisp adopted the Nesstar server in order to expand its data catalogue documentation. In addition to the survey documentation for each survey and database, the Nesstar server allows accessing information on each variable (question, types and frequency of answers, universe, instructions to pollsters, etc.). This documentation has been written based on the files sent by data producers.
Due to the specific constraints for accessing data from official statistics, tabulations and on-line analysis modules or downloading datasets is not possible. To obtain the data, you must order them via Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion Data-ordering Application.
More than 600 surveys are currently accessible on this server. Other surveys are being added gradually.
Access to the Nesstar-Adisp server
Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion's Question bank lets you search in question texts, variables names and labels
from a subset of surveys distributed by ADISP. This search tool provides an opportunity to browse surveys on the basis
of the questions asked to the interviewees.
The search can be done by:
- keyword(s)
- advanced query
- producer
- series
- study
You can also download a complete list of questions and types of answers (gathered in several CSV files) : download