Description of Bespoke Tabulations
Within the framework of the agreement between INSEE and Adisp, researchers can get free access to INSEE bespoke tabulations called PSM (Produits Sur Mesure) on more than 20 different INSEE data sources.
TPSM are tables built on request from data that cannot be accessed through the Adisp catalogue (Adisp does not own those files). They can also be created to match the needs for specific sub-population samples or based on nomenclatures which differ from those used in the standard offer.
The tables are designed as follows: columns correspond to the chosen variables and lines refer to the different combinations of values of variables. The last column gives the number of observations of the original file that meet every combination of values. In other words, each line corresponds to the cell of a table that intersects the chosen variables; while the last column gives the value. Statistical indicators on numeric variables (e.g. mean...) can also be calculated.
How to build Bespoke Tabulations
You first need to choose:
- the source on which you want to work (check the list)
- the file(s) in cases several files are suggested for the same source (e.g.: company, institution, employee...)
- the year(s)
- the geographical area (i.e: the whole French territory, mainland France, specific regions...)
- the population
- the geographic level
- the variables
- the possible grouping of values
To do so, you need to use the names of the available variables and the corresponding values. Note that they may vary across years. Variables and their values are described in the codebooks, which you can access in the list of available sources.
WARNING: before devising the tabulations, do not forget to read the terms of confidentiality and the specific constraints related to statistical confidentiality on tabulations, which may vary across sources. If you ask for over-detailed tables, you are likely to face a long and cumbersome update of your request. Please do not forget to use a weighting variable if it exists.
Your request in programming language (preferably in SAS) must be attached to your research project in the online data-ordering application.
Adisp will check with you whether you can receive the desired tabulations and results. After validating your request for tabulation, INSEE will deal with it and send the results to Adisp, which in turn will forward them to you. Those tables are delivered under the same conditions as other files disseminated by Adisp: they are made accessible for research purposes only. They are delivered either in SAS, SPSS or STATA format.